About Louise
Hi Everyone,
Before you put your trust in me I want you to know more about my personal journey, I think it's important you have an understanding of what I’ve been through and the struggles I have faced as often we see things on social media as being perfect and easy but behind the scenes it is a different story.
From a young age, I turned to food to mask my emotions. I was so unhappy with how I looked, I lacked confidence and used to spend most of my time hiding away in my bedroom, comparing myself to others. Most of my teenage years and into my twenties I spent self destructing and battling with dangerously low self esteem. If I was invited to a party or an event where I had to dress up I would spend days thinking of excuses for why I couldn't go.
I used to gorge on chocolate, crisps, ice cream, you name it... I ate it. The truth is, I believed that I would never be happy in my own skin. Food was one of the things I got comfort from...for a short time, and then the self sabotage and self destruction would kick in. I would spend the next few hours looking for a fix, the secret ingredient that would help me drop weight and quickly. I was so unhappy with myself and my life. I was convinced that if only I lost weight I would be instantly happier. It didn’t matter how restrictive the diet was or how bad it was for me, I was willing to try anything and everything. I was desperate.
Despite meeting my husband, who thankfully loved me for who I was and not for what I looked like, then having three beautiful children together, my confidence remained at an all time low. It wasn't until I realised one morning whilst sitting on the sofa watching my son play that I needed to change. My mental health was now becoming affected and I didn’t want to pass on my beliefs and bad habits to my children. I knew in order for them to love themselves and have a healthy relationship with food and exercise, I needed to stop the way I was behaving around them. After all children pick up on almost everything around them.
From that point forward I started changing my eating patterns, instead of comfort eating I turned to exercise. I would allow myself to have occasional treats, but these were no longer to punish myself. I started experimenting with food, cooking new meals whilst learning about the nutritional benefits of wholefood eating, understanding the goodness each provided. Finally I no longer ate my feelings, instead I ate to feel good.
Over time my relationship with food improved and gradually I started to lose weight. My confidence grew and I began feeling happier in my own skin. For years I hid from the camera, there's literally a whole decade I can't account for. The pictures you see below are of one very unhappy woman hidden behind a fake smile, to fast forward a few years, a woman qualified as a Personal Trainer, training to be a Nutritionist and sitting comfortably in her own skin and most importantly by choice, smiling for a picture.
It took me years to reach this point, and now at 35 I realise just how much time and energy I wasted. Which is why I am passionate about helping other women who are stuck and unhappy just like I was. We are born to thrive and feel good everyday and I believe that by making small daily changes you achieve just that.
I can't promise it will be easy, but it will definitely be worth it.
If you can relate to my story and want to make a change then book in for a FREE call to see how I can support you on your NEW journey to feeling FAB.
With Love from,
Louise x